Nick Montoya’s Yoga Story

Nick Montaya, one day woke up to intense pain in his back and leg. He was 50+ and angry. He had just ended his 24-year marriage through a messy divorce. His 27-year career at a major US corporation had also just ended. He was angry and bitter and he felt the weight of the world upon him as he now had sole custody of his three daughters. When he met his doctor, they called him a “walking time bomb”. His blood pressure and cholesterol levels were at dangerous levels and he was overweight.

Then something magical happened. Upon the coaxing of his daughter he took his first yoga class. When the class ended he knew that he had found his salvation. In 6 months he lost 45 pounds and regained his balance and his emotional health. He now says that he no longer feels “that the world is coming at me.” Rather he feels that the “world is coming from me.”

Credits: This is a you-tube video that describes Nick Montoya’s story of finding yoga.

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