Pain From Nowhere

June Stein was happily married with a busy career. Then suddenly she was hit with a “Pain from nowhere”. A Rheumatologist diagnosed her with a condition known as “Ankylosing Spondylitis”. This is an inflammatory disease that can cause vertebrae in the spine to fuse. This is a progressive disease with no known cure. When June heard this she was devastated. But soon she began her own research and felt increasingly confident that yoga could help her. She turned out to be correct and has now completely reversed her disease and is completely pain free! Her story is incredibly inspiring and worth watching. Please feel free to share it with those who might be helped by learning about this.

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2 Responses to Pain From Nowhere

  1. annie laurente says:

    Please provide me more information about this disease… I am always sufferring joint pain and it usually triggers from my neck, shoulder and spine… I had consulted already with the doctors and i undergo several procedures… Doctors also get xray of my spinal column but they dont see any wrong about it…i also notice lump behind my lower neck in between my shoulders and doctors told its only muscle spasm… But i am really suffering from pain like it hits my bone and it giving me discomfort…. Please i will really appreciate it if u can grant my humble request… Thank you!

  2. Dilip says:

    very inspiring indeed!

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