10 Ways To Make Resolutions Stick

New Year Resolutions

A new year looms like a blank slate in front of us. We seek to fill the slate up with a wish list of new resolutions. But how to make these resolutions stick? These 10 simple ideas should help:

1. Keep the benefit in mind

Wishing to lose 20 pounds is a noble idea but what is the benefit? Express your resolution in terms of its benefits. Looking fitter may be a better way to express your resolution.

2. Where is the fun?

Where is your resolution to visit Hawaii? Why should resolutions be dull and boring? Spice up your life with a handful of fun resolutions for the coming year!

3. Hang pictures as reminders

Pictures are powerful motivators. If your resolution is to lose 20 pounds hang a picture where you can see it everyday, of yourself when you were 20 pounds lighter. If your resolution is to take a vacation to Hawaii, surround yourself with pictures of Hawaii. Express the benefit of each of your resolution in a picture and keep these around where you can see them everyday.

4. Go easy on yourself

Do not try to conquer the world in one year. Go easy. Build on success. Let your resolutions be practical, achievable and something you can build on. If losing 20 pounds seems far fetched, how about 5 pounds? If you get 5 pounds done this year, a 10-pound goal the following year may be within grasp.

5. Know the action items

For each resolution, write down the action items to get there. If you do not know the path to get to your goal then scale it down or scrap it. Resolutions are achieved one step at a time and you must be able to enumerate each step along the way.

6. Review them weekly

Resolutions are not “fire and forget” type of things. You should review them every week to monitor progress. What is your progress on the action items? What has to be done next week? Every review should give you an action plan for the following week.

7. Revisions are okay

If your resolutions seem too ambitious to achieve, do not hesitate to chop or change them. After all they are your resolutions, you may do whatever you wish with them! When revising resolutions keep the benefit in mind. Can you get the same benefit with an altered plan?

8. Share them with loved ones

Give power to your resolution by sharing them with loved ones. The help and support of loved ones will be a key to your success. Where appropriate, bring co-workers and friends into the mix and ask for support and encouragement.

9. Do not give up on slipups

There is never a straight path to success. Slipups are inevitable. Sometimes giving up when things get rough may not be a good idea. Better is to talk with somebody you trust and come up with a revised plan.

10. Plan to celebrate milestones

In your task list for each resolution, make sure you have celebrations for each milestone achieved. Do not miss celebrating reaching 50% of planned savings for the Hawaii trip you planned for. Sometimes the journey is better than the goal. Make the journey as fun as possible.

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Credits:This has been written by Raj Shah and edited by Ketna Shah.

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