The Black Pebble

Black Pebble

Many hundreds of years ago in a small Italian town, a merchant had the misfortune of owing a large sum of money to the moneylender. The moneylender, who was old and ugly, fancied the merchant’s beautiful daughter so he proposed a bargain. He said he would forgo the merchant’s debt if he could marry the daughter. Both the merchant and his daughter were horrified by the proposal.

The moneylender told them that he would put a black pebble and a white pebble into an empty bag. The girl would then have to pick one pebble from the bag.If she picked the black pebble, she would become the moneylender’s wife and her father’s debt would be forgiven. If she picked the white pebble she need not marry him and her father’s debt would still be forgiven. But if she refused to pick a pebble, her father would be thrown into jail.

They were standing on a pebble strewn path in the merchant’s garden. As they talked, the moneylender bent over to pick up two pebbles. As he picked them up, the sharp-eyed girl noticed that he had picked up two black pebbles and put them into the bag. He then asked the girl to pick her pebble from the bag.

What would you have done if you were the girl? If you had to advise her, what would you have told her?
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The Train Of Life

The Train Of Life
Life is like a journey on a train, with its stations, with changes of routes, and their accidents!

At birth we boarded the train and met our parents, and we believe they will always travel on our side. However, at some station our parents will step down from the train, leaving us on this journey alone.

As time goes by, other people will board the train; and they will be significant i.e. our siblings, friends, children, and even the love of your life. Many will step down and leave a permanent vacuum. Others will go so unnoticed that we don’t realize they vacated their seats.

This train ride will be full of joy, sorrow, fantasy, expectations, hellos, goodbyes, and farewells.Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers requiring that we give the best of ourselves.

The mystery to everyone is: We do not know at which station we ourselves will step down.

So, we must live in the best way, love, forgive, and offer the best of who we are. It is important to do this because when the time comes for us to step down and leave our seat empty, we should leave behind beautiful memories for those who will continue to travel on the train of life.

I wish you a joyful journey on the train of life. Reap success and give lots of love. More importantly, thank God for the journey.

Lastly, I thank you for being one of the passengers on my train.

Credit: Source unknown. Saw this on Facebook. There is a similar essay by John A Passaro.

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2015 MyLifeYoga Guide To Health

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MyLifeYoga’s 2015 Guide to Health is here! But wait it gets better. Its totally free!

Never before has been the connection of Yoga and Health been made so clear! This guide provides the steps needed to invite health into your life and it shows how easy it is to enjoy good health. Finally we have in our hands an easy to follow step by step guide that cuts through all the hype and confusion and shows us the way to good health. Steps that are not fads but based on science and will give you long term results that will stay with you for life.

Please note that the system will send an email to the address you give here, and your clicking on the link provided in the email will cause the confirmation process to be completed. This will then take you to the page from where you can download the guide. If you do not see an email in your inbox please check the junk folder.

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Tomato Help

Tomato Help
An old Italian gentleman lived alone in New Jersey. He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard. His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

Dear Vincent,

I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.
Love, Papa

A few days later he received a letter from his son.

Dear Papa,

Don’t dig up that garden. That’ s where the bodies are buried.
Love, Vinnie

At 4 a.m. The next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son.

Dear Papa,

Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That’s the best I could do under the circumstances.
Love you, Vinnie.

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Credit: Source Unknown.

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We Should Do Meditation And Yoga At Work!

Mark Bertolini

Mark Bertolini

As Mark Bertolini contemplated the downhill run, on Feb 18 2004, little did he realize that his life was going to change forever, and that these changes would eventually snowball into something that would change thousands of lives.

Soon Mark lost control and hurtled downhill on his skis at increasing speeds. Ricocheting of a tree he tumbled down a 30 foot ravine. When his daughter eventually found him he was lying motionless in the snow. Five vertebrae in his neck had fractured. Most of the nerves that connected his left arm to the spine had detached. His injuries were so severe that he was read the last rites on the helicopter that took him to the hospital.

For most people these injuries would lead to death or permanent disability and most certainly an end of career. But Mark T. Bertolini is no ordinary person and he was not going to allow these injuries to stop him from progressing his career. To the utter disbelief of his doctors he was able to leave the hospital in 12 days. Less than a month after the accident he was seen giving a presentation at an investor conference!

In about 6 years since his accident he became CEO of Aetna, a 58B fortune 100 company with close to 50,000 employees and 46 Million customers, and in another six months he assumed the role of chairman.

But the turning point for Mark came about a year after his accident. He had spent the year on OxyContin, Vicodin, and Fentanyl and yet found little relief in the burning pain in his arm. He felt as if somebody was burning his arm with a torch all day long. He then turned to alternative remedies and that is when he discovered yoga. His inner turmoil soon turned into inner transformation.
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