Glucose Versus Fructose Five Things To Know

Glucose Versus Fructose

1. Glucose and fructose metabolize differently

Glucose and Fructose are two very different things. Chemically they are different, and both have very different impact on our bodies. Glucose is metabolized by our cells. Fructose is metabolized by our liver. When we have too much of it, Fructose damages our liver. This starts the chain of events that leads to “Metabolic Syndrome”.

While consumption of fructose is extremely damaging, the consumption of glucose is relatively benign.

2. Both present in sugar

Sugar consists of one molecule of Glucose and one molecule of Fructose joined together. When we eat sugar the digestive process breaks up the sugar molecule to its constituent molecules: Glucose and Fructose. The damage that comes from sugar consumption is due to the Fructose molecule in sugar.

3. Starch is not sugar
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Yoga Is The Science Of Healing!

Kino MacGregor took to yoga when she found that it healed her strained achilles tendons. But then she found that yoga healed much more than the body. She found that yoga heals the mind too by getting us out of our “conditional pattern of thinking”.

When 22 year old Kino asked her Guru and renowned yoga teacher, Pattabhi Jois, how do I find peace? He did not blow away her query. Instead he replied, “Peace is found if you combine in your practice postures, breath, and drishti (or focussed gazing) and you do this practice for many years then peace will eventually dawn.”

When our mind-body calms down and becomes peaceful our healing is complete. Not only do we discover health, but we find an up swelling of joy and love in our lives.

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Idiot Test

Idiot Test

Just as “Vehicles may appear closer than they really are in your side view mirror” these questions are simpler to answer than you initially think. Ready to take them on?

1. Do they have a 4th of July in England?

Answer: Yes

2. How many birthdays does the average man have?

Answer: One

3. Some months have 31 days; how many have 28?

Answer: All of them

4. A woman gives a beggar 50 cents; the woman is the beggar’s sister, but the beggar is not the woman’s brother. How come?

Answer: The beggar is her sister

5. Why can’t a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?

Answer: He can’t be buried if he isn’t dead.

6. Is it possible for a man in California to marry his widow’s sister? Why?
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Empathy Vs. Sympathy

What is empathy and how is it different from sympathy? This short video shows us that it is important to be empathic rather than sympathetic. Please watch and share.

You may also like: Should Yogis Have Empathy?

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What If

What If Forest Temple

What if our religion was each other.
If our practice was our life.
If prayer, our words.
What if the temple was the Earth.
If forests were our church.
If holy water—the rivers, lakes, and ocean.
What if meditation was our relationships.
If the teacher was life.
If wisdom was self-knowledge.
If love was the center of our being.

– Ganga White

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