How Yoga Helped An Anorexic Recover

Chelsea Roff was 58 pounds as a 15 year old. She had just suffered from stroke. All four valves in her heart were leaking and her liver had broken down. She was near death and her condition was as a result of severe Anorexia. Even her emotions were in shambles. All she remembers from that time is her total rage and her desire to die.

After spending 16 months in hospital she was discharged and a few months later took her first yoga class. Though she was physically nearing normalcy her anorexia had not yet diminished. She took the yoga class at the suggestion of her therapist only because she looked for ways to burn calories without arousing suspicion of her treatment team. At one point she was doing yoga 2-3 times a day just to lose weight. But even though her intentions were not noble, yoga put her back on track and saved her life. The medical treatment in the hospital prevented her physically from dying but did nothing to cure her Anorexia. This was finally cured by yoga. Please share this story and pass it to others who may be helped by watching this.

Starving For Connection

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