In this must watch TED talk, Caroline Heldman talks about the increasing “objectification” of females as sex objects. An “object” by its very nature is inert, depending on the “subject” for its worth and value. “Objectification” is by its very nature disempowering and harmful to the female psyche. In the talk Caroline enumerates the harm and also provides us with steps to take to reverse it.
Yoga is about “de-objectification”. It is the process by which we slowly de-identify ourselves from the mind-body and instead move towards our soul. It is apparent then that yoga can play a big part in reversing this trend towards viewing females as sex objects. Sadly so immersed are we in the prevailing paradigm of sex-objectification that the asana practice of yoga is itself in danger of falling victim to it. Let us take cognizance of this danger and revert the asana practice (practice of yoga postures) to its roots and practice it as something that empowers us and not objectifies us.
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