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Category Archives: articles
What is a sutra?
Imagine you are the author of a Sutra. Why would cutting down one word give you immense pleasure? To understand this, and to understand what is a sutra continue reading. The word sutra is derived from the verbal root siv, … Continue reading
Lucy lifted us up
In our yoga practice animals inspire us in our asanas—pigeon, peacock, frog, cat and cow. As yogis, in life they inspire us, too. When I recently had a woman in class who had a yoga mat with cats on it … Continue reading
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Yoga in the sky
Every night space,time, and light come together in a union that creates our night sky. Every night the universe is singing to us. Are we listening? Cameras that open their shutter hundreds of times a night create these images that … Continue reading
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Is Yoga Popular?
If you were to Google “Yoga popularity” you will find pages upon pages of articles talking about the popularity of yoga. So the question this article asks is: Is yoga really popular? The answer that this post comes up with … Continue reading
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Dronacharya’s dilemma
There are times in our life when all the stars line up. Suddenly you find that success is staring you in the face. There is only one hitch. You may have to temporarily put your moral values on hold. What … Continue reading
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