Give Me Strength!

Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore

This is my prayer to thee, my Lord: Strike!
Strike at the root of penury in my heart!

Give me the strength to lightly bear my joys and sorrows.
Give me the strength to make my love fruitful in service.

Give me the strength never to disown the poor,
or bend my knees before insolent might.

Give me the strength to raise my mind high above daily trifles.
And give me the strength to surrender my strength,
-to Thy will with love.

-Rabindranath Tagore

Rabindranath Tagore was the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1913. He was a poet, mystic, author, playwright, songwriter, artist, educator, freedom fighter, and an intellectual stalwart who shaped the destiny of an entire subcontinent.

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Yoga Is Better Than Coffee

Yoga Better Than CoffeeI started yoga 12 months ago, to try and quiet my mind….well I have done that & more!!

A wonderfully unexpected side effect was a dramatic improvement in my severe back pain. I once needed to see a chiropractor twice a week. I have not gone in over 6 months, and my back is even better!! I started trying Hot yoga classes at Kripalu & Power Yoga this past summer & greatly enjoyed the heat.

On the suggestion of my Kripalu instructor, I tried a HotCore (Bikram) yoga class, and although the style was very different, I was hooked! It was very challenging, but my back was so flexible in the hot room. Although I greatly enjoy all the postures & the heat, the most profound effect is not during class but after. I have such an energy surge it is unbelievable. Although I do not ingest any caffeine, my husband jokingly wonders if I go to yoga or to a coffee shop for 90 minutes!! (I go to yoga, the energy boost lasts longer !!)

I have found a wonderful balance between HotCore (Bikram) and Power yoga, and do both as often each week as I can. And I am totally addicted to the heat!!! I am excited about how good my back, body and mind feel, and I am excited at the possibilities of how much better my back will become.

Thank you Peter, for your patience & understanding as my body slowly returns to normal function.

This is a testimonial written by Robbie Saugus. This has been reposted with permission from Peter Sklivas of Yoga Passion. You can find the original here.

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The Real Secret To A Happy Marriage

Secret Of Marraige RevealedJerry was at a marriage seminar, and the leader of the seminar, a lady, was asking everybody how long they were married for. When it was Jerry’s turn Jerry said that he was married for almost 50 years.

“Wow!” The leader gushed, “that’s amazing, perhaps you can take a few minutes to share some insights with everybody, how you stayed married for so long.”

“Well,” Jerry said after thinking for a few moments, “I try to treat her nice, buy her presents, take her on trips, and best of all, for our 25th anniversary I took her to the Bahamas!”

“Well that’s really beautiful, and a true inspiration for all of us,” the lady said. “Maybe you can tell us what you are going to do for your 50th anniversary,” she said with a smile.

“Well,” Jerry said, “This is why I am here. I’m thinking of going back to the Bahamas to pick her up!”

You can find this and more here.

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When Everything Else Goes You Discover Real Love!

Death of mind! What does this mean? Bede Griffiths, a Benedectine monk, explains in this powerful video. He discovered that beyond the mind lies an ocean of unconditional love waiting for us, if only we can let go of the mind that controls us!

More about Bede Griffiths

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A Thousand Cranes

Statue of Sadako Sasaki in Hiroshima Peace Park

Statue of Sadako Sasaki in Hiroshima Peace Park

Sadako Sasaki was a bright and energetic girl. Her parents had always to tell her to sit still. Sadako lived in Hiroshima and when she was just two the atomic bomb was dropped only 1 mile from where she lived. Though the Sasaki family survived the blast they could not escape the radioactive soot that began to fall like snow all around them.

Sadako grew into an athletic child and a fast runner. She was on the school relay team. Though she tried to hide the occasional dizzying spells from her team members, one day she collapsed on the track. She was immediately taken to the hospital where she was diagnosed with Leukemia. She got the cancer from the exposure to radiation from the atomic bomb when she was two.

Her best friend Chizuko visited her in the hospital and told her of the legend that if you folded a thousand paper cranes the gods would grant you your wish. Sadako began to fold paper cranes with the hope that she be granted a wish to live a long life. Unfortunately she died when she had managed to fold only 644 cranes. Her friends and schoolmates then gathered together and folded the remaining 356 cranes and the thousand cranes were buried with her. She was 12 years old.

Soon a fund raising drive was begun to build a statue in memory of Sadako. Three years after her death a statue of Sadako holding a giant origami crane was installed in the Hiroshima Peace Park. Now every year on Obon Day (On this day the Japanese remember their departed ancestors) thousands of people leave paper cranes near the statue. On the statue is a plaque that reads: “This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace on Earth!”

In many ways the prophecy of a thousand cranes proved true and Sadako lives on today in our memory. Her life and struggle has now become an international symbol of the innocent victims of war.

More details of the Sadako story.

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