Finding The Right Attitude

Find Right Attitude

Many common problems are caused by wrong attitudes. People see themselves as the center of the universe and judge everything as it relates to them. Naturally you won’t be happy that way. You can only be happy when you see things in proper perspective: all human beings are of equal importance in God’s sight, and have a job to do in the divine plan.

I’ll give you and an example of a woman who had some difficulty in finding out what her job was in the divine plan. She was in her forties, single, and needed to earn a living. She hated her work to the extent that it made her sick, and the first thing she did was to go to a psychiatrist who said he would adjust her to her job. So after some adjustment she went back to work. But she still hated her job. She got sick again and came to me. Well, I asked what her calling was, and she said, “I’m not called to do anything.”

That was not true. What she really meant was she didn’t know her calling. So I asked her what she liked to do because if it is your calling you will do it easily and joyously as I walk my pilgrimage. I found she liked to do three things. She liked to play the piano, but wasn’t good enough to earn her living at that. She liked to swim, but wasn’t good enough to be a swimming instructor, and she liked to work with flowers.

I got her a job in a florist shop so she could earn her living working with flowers. She loved it. She said she would do it for nothing. But we use the other things too. Remember she needed more than a livelihood. She needed other things. The swimming became her exercise. It fits in with sensible living habits. The piano playing became her path of service. She went to a retirement home and played the old songs for people there. She got them to sing, and she was good at that. Out of these three things, such a beautiful life was built for that woman. She became a very attractive woman and married a year or so later. She started right in that life pattern.

Credit: Written by Peace Pilgrim. “Peace Pilgrim, her life and work in her own words”.

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