Is Yoga The Anti-Aging Elixir?

Bette Calman is a 83 year old yoga star. Since she has taken up yoga in the 50s she has not been to a doctor for over 50 years! So the question is: Is Yoga the anti-aging elixir for a long life?

If we look at the core group of people who have been responsible for the spread and popularity of modern yoga we have to begin with Krishnamacharya. He lived to be over 100 years old. His most famous western disciple Indra Devi lived to be 102. His other world famous disciples are BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois. BKS Iyengar is still alive at the age of 94 and Pattabhi Jois passed away in 2009 at the age of 93. In addition Tao Porchon Lynch is a 93 year old yoga teacher who teaches in the Iyengar style of yoga. All these people were not related to each other and the only common thing they have is a regular practice of Yoga in the style taught by Krishnamacharya. Clearly there seems to be some connection between practicing yoga regularly and living a long and healthy life.

One thing is clear is that the practice of yoga is not going to make you immortal or younger. This may be like stating the obvious but needs to be stated, as there are some texts both ancient and modern that make such tall claims. It is however true that if you are suffering from accelerated aging due to excessive stress, and you take up yoga regularly you may see that these effects will reverse and you may appear younger. But be sure that age will eventually catch up with you.

Since the ill effects of stress on health and wellbeing are well known it should come as no surprise that yoga, whose anti-stress qualities are now well researched, should result in a longer life span and healthier lives. Sadly there are no definitive studies done on this subject, but the correlation of long life pointed out among the group of individuals mentioned in this post seems to be more than just a happy coincidence.

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1 Response to Is Yoga The Anti-Aging Elixir?

  1. Shefali says:


    i used to practice yoga when i was younger and it got ignored. i recently fell back on the magic of yoga and already see the results as in weight loss and more energetic. i still have to consult my doc for a chronic illness but otherwise i feel good. i hope i can say bye to my doc! love the posts here. congrats on the good work.

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