Back To Basics

Stuck in Complexity

Stuck in Complexity? Time for Back To Basics!

Sometimes we over think and make things complicated. This need not be so because there is great wisdom in simplicity. Here are five things that can allow you to simplify life by going back to the basics:

1. Speak to communicate

The purpose of speaking is to communicate. If your words are not going to be understood or misconstrued why utter them? If your words are going to hurt feelings why speak them? Truth is not a weapon you use to beat others with. If speaking the truth is going to unnecessarily hurt somebody or is not going to be accepted or understood, silence may be preferred.

2. Eat to live

The goal of eating is to get the right nutrition to live. It is not a way to manage your stress or a way to make you feel good. Choose what you put into your mouth consciously and not by habit. You should not put stuff in your mouth to gain social acceptance or show off. You should instead put stuff in your mouth because it is what you need to live.

3. Spend what you can afford

Telling yourself that you “need” something is the wrong starting point. The first question to ask is: “Do I have the money to pay for it?” If the answer is no, stop right there. No need to go further and entertain a million thoughts of why you need something. Here is a simple rule: “If you cannot afford it then you do not need it.”

4. Drive to get there

Your purpose of driving is not to get there quickly (while putting your and other people’s life at risk). It is not to be entertained while getting there. It is not to make a statement while getting there. It is not to judge other drivers while getting there. Your first goal is to make sure you get there alive. Everything else is secondary.

5. Sleep to rest

Are you waking up tired? You have most likely not slept enough. Rather than sleeping to be fully rested, you have chosen to get as much sleep as possible in the available time. Now the entire day is shot, the body is in imbalance, stress levels are high, and the brain is in turmoil. Your body needs rest, healing, and relaxation. Only a full restful sleep achieves that. Always choose to get enough sleep and a full night’s rest.

6. Live to love

Living for your ego? Maybe it is time to rethink your life’s plan. Only outside the ego is there love. Only outside the ego you can do something bigger than yourself. Only in love and selfless action is there meaning. Maybe it is time to let go of the superflous and grab the meaningful by breaking the habit of ego-centered thought and action.

Do you have any more Back To Basics? The rule should be five words or less and the explanation in a paragraph of few lines. Please send this to us in a comment to this post or on our Facebook page. If we like it and we get enough of these we will post them together in a follow-up article.

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Credits:This has been written by Raj Shah and edited by Ketna Shah.

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